import folium
dublin_office_coordinates = [53.339428, -6.257664]
dublin_office_map = folium.Map(location=dublin_office_coordinates, zoom_start=18)
popup="Dublin Office",
icon=folium.Icon(color="blue", icon="briefcase")
< at 0x7fd20a18e7d0>
import urllib.request
url = ""
if (urllib.request.urlopen(url).getcode() != 200):
raise HTTPError('Check API URL used for fetching data')
customers_file_data_byte = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
customers_file_data_string = ('{"customers\":[' + customers_file_data_byte.decode("utf-8") + ']}').replace("\n",",")
raise HTTPError('Check API URL used for fetching data')
import json
customer_data = json.loads(customers_file_data_string)
raise JSONDecodeError()
import pandas
column_names = {"user_id": "User ID", "name" : "Name", "latitude" : "Latitude", "longitude" : "Longitude"}
print(pandas.DataFrame(customer_data['customers'], columns=['user_id', 'name', 'latitude', 'longitude']
).sort_values(by=['user_id']).rename(columns = column_names))
User ID Name Latitude Longitude 1 1 Alice Cahill 51.92893 -10.27699 2 2 Ian McArdle 51.8856167 -10.4240951 3 3 Jack Enright 52.3191841 -8.5072391 12 4 Ian Kehoe 53.2451022 -6.238335 13 5 Nora Dempsey 53.1302756 -6.2397222 9 6 Theresa Enright 53.1229599 -6.2705202 5 7 Frank Kehoe 53.4692815 -9.436036 6 8 Eoin Ahearn 54.0894797 -6.18671 10 9 Jack Dempsey 52.2559432 -7.1048927 11 10 Georgina Gallagher 52.240382 -6.972413 14 11 Richard Finnegan 53.008769 -6.1056711 0 12 Christina McArdle 52.986375 -6.043701 16 13 Olive Ahearn 53 -7 17 14 Helen Cahill 51.999447 -9.742744 18 15 Michael Ahearn 52.966 -6.463 19 16 Ian Larkin 52.366037 -8.179118 20 17 Patricia Cahill 54.180238 -5.920898 22 18 Bob Larkin 52.228056 -7.915833 24 19 Enid Cahill 55.033 -8.112 25 20 Enid Enright 53.521111 -9.831111 26 21 David Ahearn 51.802 -9.442 27 22 Charlie McArdle 54.374208 -8.371639 30 23 Eoin Gallagher 54.080556 -6.361944 23 24 Rose Enright 54.133333 -6.433333 31 25 David Behan 52.833502 -8.522366 7 26 Stephen McArdle 53.038056 -7.653889 8 27 Enid Gallagher 54.1225 -8.143333 4 28 Charlie Halligan 53.807778 -7.714444 28 29 Oliver Ahearn 53.74452 -7.11167 29 30 Nick Enright 53.761389 -7.2875 15 31 Alan Behan 53.1489345 -6.8422408 21 39 Lisa Ahearn 53.0033946 -6.3877505
customer_map = folium.Map(location=dublin_office_coordinates, zoom_start=7)
latitudes = []
longitudes = []
user_details = []
for customer in customer_data['customers']:
user_details.append(str(customer['user_id']) + ' ' + customer['name'])
for index in range (0, len(latitudes)-1):
coordinates = [latitudes[index], longitudes[index]]
user_detail = user_details[index]
folium.Marker(location = coordinates, popup = user_detail, icon = folium.Icon(color = 'red', icon='user')).add_to(customer_map)
from math import radians, degrees, sin, cos, asin, acos, sqrt
def distance_from_dublin_office(location_latitude, location_longitude):
if ((type(location_latitude) == type(True)) or (type(location_longitude) == type(True))):
raise TypeError('Coordinates should be valid int or float values')
location_latitude = float(location_latitude)
location_longitude = float(location_longitude)
dublin_office_latitude = 53.339428
dublin_office_longitude = -6.257664
dublin_office_latitude, dublin_office_longitude, location_latitude, location_longitude = map(radians,
[dublin_office_latitude, dublin_office_longitude, location_latitude, location_longitude])
return 6371.0088 * (acos(sin(dublin_office_latitude) * sin(location_latitude) + cos(dublin_office_latitude) *
cos(location_latitude) * cos(dublin_office_longitude - location_longitude)))
raise TypeError('Coordinates should be valid int or float values')
for customer in customer_data['customers']:
customer.update({"distance" : distance_from_dublin_office(float(customer['latitude']), float(customer['longitude']))})
invited_cutomers = []
for customer in customer_data['customers']:
if customer['distance'] <= 100:
def get_user_id(invited_cutomers):
return invited_cutomers.get('user_id')
invited_cutomers.sort(key = get_user_id)
import pandas
column_names = {"user_id": "User ID", "name" : "Name", "distance" : "Distance"}
print(pandas.DataFrame(invited_cutomers, columns=["user_id", "name", "distance"]).rename(columns = column_names))
User ID Name Distance 0 4 Ian Kehoe 10.566951 1 5 Nora Dempsey 23.287353 2 6 Theresa Enright 24.085393 3 8 Eoin Ahearn 83.532647 4 11 Richard Finnegan 38.137621 5 12 Christina McArdle 41.768783 6 13 Olive Ahearn 62.231788 7 15 Michael Ahearn 43.722548 8 17 Patricia Cahill 96.078732 9 23 Eoin Gallagher 82.695040 10 24 Rose Enright 89.031157 11 26 Stephen McArdle 98.874736 12 29 Oliver Ahearn 72.201885 13 30 Nick Enright 82.642964 14 31 Alan Behan 44.290884 15 39 Lisa Ahearn 38.358068
invited_customer_map = folium.Map(location=dublin_office_coordinates, zoom_start=7)
latitudes = []
longitudes = []
user_details = []
for customer in invited_cutomers:
user_details.append(str(customer.get('user_id')) + ' ' + customer.get('name'))
for index in range (0, len(latitudes)-1):
coordinates = [latitudes[index], longitudes[index]]
user_detail = user_details[index]
folium.Marker(location = coordinates, popup = user_detail, icon = folium.Icon(color = 'blue', icon='user')).add_to(invited_customer_map)
import unittest
class TestProdApp(unittest.TestCase):
# ------------------------------------- Testing Data Type of Inputs -------------------------------------
def test_my_distance(self):
self.assertEqual(distance_from_dublin_office(19.075800,72.910011), 7605.095952330754)
def test_not_my_distance(self):
self.assertNotEqual(distance_from_dublin_office(19.075800,72.910011), 7605)
def test_type_error_for_string_float(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, distance_from_dublin_office, 'hello', 5.0)
def test_type_error_for_string_int(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, distance_from_dublin_office, 'hello', 5)
def test_type_error_for_bool_float(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, distance_from_dublin_office, True, 5.0)
def test_type_error_for_bool_int(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, distance_from_dublin_office, True, 5)
def test_type_error_for_complex_float(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, distance_from_dublin_office, 1 + 2j, 5.0)
def test_type_error_for_complex_int(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, distance_from_dublin_office, 1 + 2j, 5)
# --------------------------------------- Testing Invited Guests ---------------------------------------
def test_invited_guests(self):
for customer in invited_cutomers:
self.assertLessEqual(distance_from_dublin_office(customer['latitude'],customer['longitude']), 100,
msg="Customers living beyond the range of 100kms are being invited")
# -------------------------------------- Testing Uninvited Guests --------------------------------------
def test_uninvited_guests(self):
for customer in customer_data['customers']:
if customer not in invited_cutomers:
self.assertGreater(distance_from_dublin_office(customer['latitude'],customer['longitude']), 100,
msg="Customers living in the range of 100kms are not being invited")
# --------------------------------------- Testing API Integration ---------------------------------------
def test_if_api_is_correct(self):
self.assertTrue(urllib.request.urlopen(url).getcode() == 200)
def test_if_api_is_not_incorrect(self):
self.assertFalse(urllib.request.urlopen(url).getcode() != 200)
# ------------------------------------------ Testing JSON Data ------------------------------------------
def test_user_id_key_in_json(self):
self.assertTrue('user_id' in customer in customer_data['customers'])
def test_name_key_in_json(self):
self.assertTrue('name' in customer in customer_data['customers'])
def test_latitude_key_in_json(self):
self.assertTrue('latitude' in customer in customer_data['customers'])
def test_longitude_key_in_json(self):
self.assertTrue('longitude' in customer in customer_data['customers'])
unittest.main(argv=[''], exit=False)
................ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 16 tests in 0.071s OK
<unittest.main.TestProgram at 0x7fd2073fd710>